Bank iMessage data updating .....

  • the following message .... "messages are upgrading ..." the messages database is being updating ... please wait while the process is completed or shut down the messages and re-open- it later .. . "

  • It´s the same error as in all your other threads about iMessage or FaceTime. Your iCloud account isn´t whitelisted with Apple and since your Hack does not provide any usable Information (valid MLB, ROM, Serial and HardwareUUID) you´ll get a bunch of errors regarding Apples Messaging services. Sometimes it only says that it could not be activated this time and you should try again later, sometimes it advises you to call Apple Support and sometimes you´ll be able to login but not able add any contacts or send and receive any messages or calls...

    Honestly there ist nothing you could do about that this time except of providing valid values to apple where valid means preferable cloned values from a real MAC which is qualified to use iMessage and FaceTime (old G4 or G5 PowerMac values are not) and isn´t in use anymore...

  • o teus dados do Mac não som Original! Para usar o iMassage o Facetime tens de ter Rom e MLB de um Mac real.

    Sorry wenn er schon ne Portugiesische Fehlermeldung angezeigt bekommt, so antworte ich ihm auch darauf in Portugiesisch :)

  • <p>But reading the tutorials here says not to use values like MLB and ROM Mac Real ... I do not have access to a Mac Real ..... I want to use only values that DOES NOT BELONG TO A MAC REAL .... by please help me !! thank you&nbsp;</p>

  • When you choose for a Hackintosh you will always have issues. That's part of the deal!

  • could enable iMessage ... wanted to test someone could add me on iMessage ... I'm from Brazil .... my contact is .... which iMessage email you ... just to test thank you guys!

  • griven

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