Fehlermeldungen beim Booten von Opencore

  • Moin,

    ich bin schon seid langem am Versuchen meinen Pc in ein Hackinosh zu verwandeln. Leider bekomme ich folgende Fehlermeldung bzw. Protokol beim Starten:

    S: Starting OpenCore application...
    BS: Booter path - \EF I\BOOT\BOOTX64 .EFI
    OCFS: Trying to locate filesystem on 58A5CB98 56DB1F98
    OCFS: Filesystem DP - EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64 .EFI
    BS: Trying to load OpenCore image..
    BS: Relative path - EFI
    BS: Startup path - EFI\OpenCore.efi (0)
    BS: Fallback to absolute path - EFIXOC\OpenCore.efi
    BS: Read OpenCore image of 1003520 bytes
    OCM: Loaded image at 59242498 handle
    OCM: Loaded image has DeviceHandle 58A5CB98 FilePath 5904C898 ours DevicePath 5904BE98
    OCCPU: Failed to get FSBFrequency data using Apple Platform Info - Not Found
    OC: Starting OpenCore.
    OC: Booter path - EFINOC\OpenCore.ef1
    OCFS: Trying to locate filesystem on 58A5CB98 5904C898
    OCFS: Filesystem DP - EFINOC\OpenCore.ef 1
    OC: Absolute booter path - EFINOC\OpenCore.ef1
    OC: Storage root EFI\OC\OpenCore.ef1
    OCST: Missing vault data, ignoring..
    OC: OcMiscEar1yInit ...
    OC: Loaded configuration of 38112 bytes
    OCS: No schema for AllowNvramReset at 13 Index, context <Security> I OC: Got 2 drivers
    OC: Configuration requires vault but no vault provided!

  • Jo danke habs gefixxt.