Beiträge von ssprod

    MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6
    Dell E5420
    iNtel i5 2520m
    HD3000 GPU (Hi Res)
    4GB Ram

    System is not performing optimally, although it boots most of the time.
    1-keyboard is not functional at Clover Boot Menu (rectified by an external USB keyboard, why?)
    2-System boots successfully approx every 2 times
    3-Random freezes, forcing reboot
    4-Random graphic glitches, artifacts
    5-Trackpad not functional upon wake from sleep
    Any assistance in getting this pup going with H. Sierra would be appreciated. (debug below) Thanks!…

    Thank you. I've generated a patched SSDT for my CPU, and as advised, updated Clover, kexts, replacing IGF with Whatever Green. Shutdown is still not successful.
    UPDATE! Unplugged any peripherals (included mouse) in the 2 x USB ports left side and the issue is rectified. USB port right side functions without issue. Any thoughts would be welcomed and appreciated. Thank you!

    Thanks for your guidance.. System boots with the EFI (Post1) and "", GPU recognized correctly, however I am still dealing with the same issue of no proper shutdown. System reboots, then issues crash report X( . I have deleted EmuVariable as well as cleared nvram, with no positive results. Incidentally, System Profiler is not showing USB3.0 at all. USB2.0 is the only protocol displayed. Is that "normal" using the mentioned EFI/Config combination? Any additional suggestions would be much appreciated. Thank you very much!

    I switched the 3 wire leads on to pins 2+3 and it worked! I have a strange issue, however... I own 2 x 8470P's with the same specs and the AMD GPU. One is working flawlessly with this EFI, however on the other machine, when I boot Safari, I get this screen. I made sure that I changed to 8bit in ResExtreme. Any help would be most appreciated, thanks very much.

    Thanks for this post! Wondered if I'd ever get my 7650M to work. All is running well with the EFI, but I cannot get wifi working. I purchased a Broadcom 43224 card, as I've used these in the past with my 8470P/iNtel HD Graphics. For some reason, it is not being recognized. DPCI manager sees the card, but not working for me. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!

    I've re-Installed 10.13.2 and am using the bios from post7. I've ensured that SATA0 owns the OSX HD and have performed a P-Ram Reset, which allowed OZ to do it's thing, however it still will not boot on it's own. I'm sorry but I'm confused with "make sure it caries a valid EFI Partition (needs to bei FAT32)". Is this something I can do when inside the OS? Presently, when I mount the drive, the Oz folder is there (EFI) with ACPI (and my patched DSDT+SSDT) and DARWIN where I have placed my Network kext. All is working brilliantly, including sleep! Sorry for the questions, and I really appreciate your expertise. I'd love Oz to work, but if I have to throw in the towel, I'll do that too. Thanks. ssprod

    Update: System running smooth as silk, I'm hoping I can get this baby to boot on it's own. Any thoughts, Griven? Thanks again!

    Griven, thank you but prior to your reply, I decided to re-install via AFPS, sorry. Should I re-flash with the updated bios or stay with what I had?

    High Sierra on SSD equates to APFS in almost all cases.
    To display an APFS macOS Partition in the Ozmosis GUI you need to enter EDK-Shell and add it.
    The Ozmosis bios you are using has the APFS-efi integrated and thus the macOS partition gets recognized and is selectable.

    I installed H.Sierra via GUID, not APFS. Is this why this bios is not allowing OSX to boot automatically? I can boot, but only thru bios-target-High Sierra. Thanks.

    Many thanks for (H77DS3H_REV11_HighSierra.F10) I have installed MacOS High Sierra 10.13.2 using Guid Partition on an SSD, installation done via a real Mac. .... works like a charm with a couple of issues. #1- I have to target my drive through the BIOS in order to boot (My High Sierra Drive is listed within the bios boot list), as it will not boot on it's own. I have ensured that the OSX drive is priority in the bios. Excuse my "noob" question, but is that because I don't have Clover installed? Issue#2 is non-functional sleep. When I initiate sleep it immediately wakes, functions as normally and goes to my login screen. Any help on these issues would be much appreciated. Thank you.