10.13. High Sierra mit Ozmosis

  • @griven Im glad to announce that, its working! I booted preinstalled HS with Ozmosis. Now we have to fix smcemulator to make clean install working with oz and fix apfs.efi also wich doesen't see APFS partition via bcfg load only!

    Trying cleaninstall via createinstallmedia fails due smcemulator problems.

    * GA-Z87MX-D3H F7 OpenCore 0.5.7 * * i5-4570 HD 4600 | I217-V | ALC892 |
    I don't speak German, but G-Translator helps me. :D

  • Simply place an recent version of FakeSMC into /Efi/Oz/Darwin/Extensions/Common should do the trick.

  • Tried! Not working.

    * GA-Z87MX-D3H F7 OpenCore 0.5.7 * * i5-4570 HD 4600 | I217-V | ALC892 |
    I don't speak German, but G-Translator helps me. :D

  • Since it didn´t work for me at all the first time I tried with the patches OZ i´ll give it another try. If I succeed I´ll provide my files and let you know how to replace them.

  • Ok then. Dont forget to use MATS.aml if you have ACPI panic 0 cpu caller error like i was.

    * GA-Z87MX-D3H F7 OpenCore 0.5.7 * * i5-4570 HD 4600 | I217-V | ALC892 |
    I don't speak German, but G-Translator helps me. :D

  • Got it up an running :D
    Oz boots HighSierra from APFS Volume :D

  • Nice! Now the details please???

    * GA-Z87MX-D3H F7 OpenCore 0.5.7 * * i5-4570 HD 4600 | I217-V | ALC892 |
    I don't speak German, but G-Translator helps me. :D

  • I need to do more testing since there are quite a few pretty nasty problems...
    If I place any Kext into /Efi/Oz/Darwin/Extensions the system refuses to boot all you get is a Black Screen and that´s it. Seem like OZ won´t pick up Extensions placed there...

  • Place any extension you want but not AppleALC. That stays in /Library/Extensions. Don't forget -lilubeta -alcbeta.

    * GA-Z87MX-D3H F7 OpenCore 0.5.7 * * i5-4570 HD 4600 | I217-V | ALC892 |
    I don't speak German, but G-Translator helps me. :D

  • We have an AppleALC-OZM.kext, especially to be used in the OZ-EFI-Partition... ;)
    It doesn't contain the Plugins-Folder, which blocks the usage of the normal AppleALC.kext in OZ-EFI.


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  • refuses to boot all you get is a Black Screen and that´s it.

    Das habe ich in der Vergangenheit auch häufiger gehabt, hängt eigentlicher immer mit einem Kext zusammen der versucht geladen zu werden, es aber aus irgendwelchen Gründen nicht kann. Ist bei mehreren Spielereien mit AppleALC mit @Fredde2209 passiert. Endet dann in einem Blackscreen und kann nur durch entfernen der Kexts behoben werden ;)

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  • Weiß ich @kuckkuck ich experimentiere weiter :D
    Lilu habe ich ihm schon mal untergeschoben :D

    Lilu und AppleALC gehen schon mal, nice :D

    @nikoZ to overcome your SMC related Issues replace all SMCEmulator related Files in your Rom with these Files: Archiv.zip

  • @griven Thanks. One more thing. How do i load APFS. efi? Its not working in bios and i want to install HS in APFS mode.

    * GA-Z87MX-D3H F7 OpenCore 0.5.7 * * i5-4570 HD 4600 | I217-V | ALC892 |
    I don't speak German, but G-Translator helps me. :D

  • I used this one: apfs2.ffs.zip it´s the last version cecek posted on insanely.

  • Inserted in bios or in EFI/Oz/Darwin/Extensions ?

    * GA-Z87MX-D3H F7 OpenCore 0.5.7 * * i5-4570 HD 4600 | I217-V | ALC892 |
    I don't speak German, but G-Translator helps me. :D

  • You CAN place it in UEFI (not in Extensions thats the wrong place) but APFS still seems to receive updates since its far away from release (at least in my opinion). I would recommend storing it somewhere in the EFI and loading it via bcfg through the shell. Then you'll also be able to quickly update it if it changes :thumbup:

    Du kommst bei deinem Problem nach dem unendlichsten Versuch nicht weiter? Dann schreib mir eine Nachricht für eine TeamViewer Sitzung. Nur wenn es gar nicht mehr weiter geht!
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  • Okey, thank you.

    * GA-Z87MX-D3H F7 OpenCore 0.5.7 * * i5-4570 HD 4600 | I217-V | ALC892 |
    I don't speak German, but G-Translator helps me. :D

  • You´ll have to add it into your ROM or load it manually as a driver from EFI Shell. For testing purpose I added it into my rom and it works just fine. Next thing to test is the installer since my present Installation boots up just fine (no need to mention that you have to add a boot entry for HighSierra via EFI Shell since OZ won´t create one for you)...

  • Just flashed new sensors and they don't work. FakeSMC ACPI KP. Another FakeSMC?

    * GA-Z87MX-D3H F7 OpenCore 0.5.7 * * i5-4570 HD 4600 | I217-V | ALC892 |
    I don't speak German, but G-Translator helps me. :D

  • Well it does work nicely for me...

    Perhaps you upload your ROM and I´ll look over it?