
Suchergebnisse 1-10 von insgesamt 10.

  • kaneske may I ask which kind of error do you see in verbose?it seems many latest bios suffer of a lack of support for PCH device like NVME or data diskThis problem has a start for MSI users on X570 platform, now it seen also for some TRX40 usersProblematic OSXs are Monterey and VenturaBig Sur and lower seem to be not affected for this problem
  • no kaneske is not the same problemAMD user have some verbose linesSome lucky user could boot with a NVME disk managed by the CPU and not the chipsetIt seems a different problem
  • kaneske happy you have solvedHave you a debug log from previous and actual bios version?Very curious to see MAT values for bothThank you
  • my curiosity is to see if something changed from two different bios about MAT value (0 or 1) in latest bios is to 1and so maybe a different set of quirks have to be used
  • (Zitat von kaneske)some system boot fine if MAT 1 with this set of quirks:EnableWriteUnprotector - FalseRebuildAppleMemoryMap - TrueSyncRuntimePermissions - Truein my system I have MAT 1 and I could use this combinations of quirks (which I think is the one suggested for MAT 1) or, only EnableWriteUnprotector - True and RebuildAppleMemoryMap - False
  • not an expert on that platform but if MAT1 this is correct to bootSetupVirtualMap=Falsethen always if MAT 1 it is possible to boot fine with SetupVirtualMap=true and this EnableWriteUnprotector=truewith also RebuildAppleMemory to false valueI was very curious about this passage of Bios, forgive the many questionsMy recent experience is on another platform even with quirks not recommended but working equally I have also tried it on intel platformsBetter always to follow configuration.pdf advice b…
  • (Zitat von Erdenwind Inc.)Hi Erdenwind Inc and sorry if I understood badusually when at the boot stage system has early reboot or hang we have to check if our system is "MAT" capable (1) or not (0)Then, reading the configuration pdf we can adjust quirks settings for our systemIf mat = 1 we can use this configuration:EnableWriteUnprotector - FalseRebuildAppleMemoryMap - TrueSyncRuntimePermissions - Trueif mat = 0 we have to use this:EnableWriteUnprotector -TrueRebuildAppleMemoryMap - FalseSyncRun…
  • ah ok it was more simple your question to complete:if we have this in our OpenCore debug log, we can use this set of quirks:But it is possible to use also different quirks for my rigattached also 2 bootlogs of these "working" config.plist and quirks
  • kaneskeIf you can , only for the sake of testingCould you try to enable this EnableWriteUnprotectorand disable the others?
  • Thank you kaneske for testing