
Suchergebnisse 1-2 von insgesamt 2.

  • Here is my take.For the GA-Z409 Vision G mobo, which only has one onboard ethernet controller, a device properties entry such as,DeviceProperties -> Add ->PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1C,0x1)/Pci(0x0, 0x0)-> device-id F2150000in the OC config.plist file to spoof it into a cousin of itself, together with a FakePCIID_Intel_I225-V.kextand a FakePCIID.kext in the OC Kexts folder, introduces more problems that one is attempting to actually resolve, at least in my particular environment.When the hack is “sort o…
  • Hi Blackninja_1985 sorry I do not actually understand your passage "looks like you got the same sleep issue like me" because I do not have any sleep issues with my Z490 Vision G whatsoever, for clarity have another peek at the attachment of my original post .Greetings HentiesHi Blackninja_1985 , I just noticed that your native tongue seems to be German, I therefore encourage and invite you, and everybody else for that matter, to communicate with me in a language that you are most comfortable wit…