
Suchergebnisse 1-4 von insgesamt 4.

  • Do you mean Facetime gets deactivated if you try to log onto iMessage?
  • If you use a real Macs values you also need to use it´s MLB an ROM value to get iMessage and Facetime working. Facetime seems to be less strikt as iMessage so Facetime normally works even if the passed values are not 100% plausible while iMessage doesn't. Since both share some Certificates any attempt to sign into iMessage with not 100% plausible config will result in deactivated Facetime as well. Be careful! Do not play to much with these values since every change will associate a "new" Device …
  • Most likely that´s what happened. Apple keeps an eye on an AppleID´s activities and if your actions look suspicious to them they simply blacklist your AppleID for several services like iMessage or Facetime.This blocking/blacklisting mechanism seem to work in two directions since you´ll still be able to use iMessage or FaceTime on a genuine Apple Device with your AppleID but will be blocked on suspicious Devices. All genuine Macs get registered with Apple the first Time they connect with the Inte…
  • If you have or get aware of an old genuine MAC which is no longer in use just use the values of this machine since it is registered with Apple. All you need to do is to run the iMessageDebug Script on this machine and carefully write down all of it´s output. Disconnect your hackintosh from the Internet and change it´s SMBIOS according to the written down values from the genuine Machine. You´ll need to change the serial number, the MLB Value (BaseBoardSerial), the ROM Value and the HardwareUUID v…