Beiträge von ccozmo

    You need to use the 10.14.4 Beta. Also, no need for any SSDT. It's enough to use Whatevergreen for Dual Vega 64 or manually do the GFX0 and GFX1 Rename through Clover hotpatching.

    Ah - so it's actually a fix in 10.4.4 Beta ? So my existing SSDT's will probably work, as they are already using GFX0 & GFX1.

    I'll try out the Beta 2 of 10.14.4 then. Thanks !

    Thanks Kaneske, I already have working SSDT's which was based on some of KGP;s work - but I thought this thread uncovered some specific settings to change that would make the dual Vegas work properly together ?

    In my VideProc, I am seeing red for HW encode of H.264, which I believe had been fixed in this thread ?

    Was hoping if someone could give me a working SSDT for dual Vegas, I could work out what to fix on mine

    Hi, I have 2 x Vega 64 and am having the red H.264 problem, as well as slowness in FCP etc

    Could someone please give me a sample SSDT used to fix this ? I tried to update mine, but it doesn't seem to work.