Beiträge von kuudori

    Hello from Russia!
    Alright, sorry for any mistakes and also stupid questions. I only can use english as well, but you can answer on any language you want.
    I'm new at installing hackintosh, but i'm so wondering on that. I readed all pages, but i'm so confused, because my translator (google) can't translate it all.
    Here some questions:
    1. Is touchpad works fine? I mean moves, gestures. Is it comfortable to use book without mouse?
    2. What about battery life? Can mi work on hackintosh 5-6 hours?
    3. About wi-fi module, any suggestions about model?
    4. System stable? Can i just install (more stable) version and use it without errors in every boot?
    If all good, how can i install it? I saw instructions on zdnet, but is that instructions relevant for today? Thanks for answers!