Beiträge von onsepakise

    Hello, very good work!

    Is it possible to adapt this installation to other processors? I have almost the same configuration as you: Gigabit Ultra Gaming X99, EVGA GTX 1080 Ti Founders Edition, samsung 960 MVMe, but I have a Xéon E5 2630 V3 ...

    I suspect that IOCPUNumber must be changed (11 for the 6850 => 15 for the E5)

    But I do not know what other changes are necessary and if there are any-

    When I boot with clover, gets to the line:

    MAC Framwork successfully initialized
    AMFILoadTrustedKeysFromNVRam: failed getting NVRAM
    Using 16384 buffer headers and 10240 cluster IO buffer headers

    My level of knowledge does not allow me to do anything other than to solicit you!

    Thank you very much !