What do you tink about TINU so far?

  • Hi i am the developer of TINU, and i am seeing quite a few people using the app here, in fact i think that this is one of the places in which it's used the most. So this is the right place to get feedback from you.

    So, what do you think baout TINU so far?

    To guide you to answer this question, try to answer to those ones to make an idea:

    How has your experience with TINU been?

    How do you feel when using TINU?

    Which are the things you love the most about it?

    How do you feel TINU is different from others?

    Which things are wrong in TINU?

    Which are the things you hate about it?

    Which are the things you don't understand or you had problems understanding?

    Which are the problems you had?

    What can be inprooved in TINU?

    What can be added in TINU to make it better?

    Any other thoughts?

    Any desired new feature?

    Those questions helps me getting an idea about your relationship with TINU and which is your idea of the app, all to guide me to make it better.

    Things like this are very important to make apps for every day users, because hearing back from the users is the beast way to know what is wrong about the app.

    I hope you that many of you will answer me, because i really want to improove your experience and your hackintoshing.

  • Hello,

    I think it's a very easy to use app. It makes life very easy as other tools getting complicated over the time. Im a very big fan of this simple "use this, use that and then do it"-style. I think the UI is pretty perfect because it doesn't have too much annoying and distracting stuff on it. It's more like a pretty basic UI but that's great in any kind. The UI tells you what you need to do and nothing more.

    The only thing I really don't understand is an error that occure when I try to flash the installer for the first time on an formated drive. I do the same steps a second time and the error is gone away. When I got this error again I'am going to send you screenshots of it. But that's not really a problem because second time of use it works fine.

    I would love to see a direct integration of Clover Bootloader to the tool. So I don't need to download and install it.

    Maybe tinu could download the most common version, opens up the installer and done. Like a little question box "Do you want to install Clover on that drive".

    Think you know what I mean.

    But thank you in any way using tinu for my Hackintosh and as well for my real Macintosh :D

  • Hi, for the error try to reacreate it and send me the log after the error occurred

  • TINU is the best tool so far to create a bootstick with Clover. It‘s intuitive to use, self-explanatory and complete hence the superiority.

    I can‘t think of anything that might improve it.

    Thank you for having created this wonderful piece!

    Hacken ⛏️⛏️
    Haken ✔️


    anscheinend: es sieht so aus als ob, und wird wohl stimmen

    scheinbar: es sieht so aus als ob, stimmt aber nicht

  • I think it’s a great tool for beginners. It’s easy to use and doesn’t confuse users at creating their install drive.

    Personally I’d wish to see some (terminal-like) verbose output, because I like to see, what’s happening in front of me (or maybe I just didn’t find the button yet ;))

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  • Thank you for a really useful tool, works like a charm!

    There are 3 (or more) needs for password during process - that`s a bit annoying.

  • Hi Pietro,

    I use TINU all the time to create install media.

    Thanks again for this great tool. :klatschen:


    Keine Unterstützung per PN oder Pinnwand... Eure Anfragen gehören ins Forum, nicht in mein Postfach!

  • Bisher habe ich kein einziges Problem mit Tinu gehabt. Ich mache jeden Installer damit. Sehr einfach zu verstehen und hübsch ist es auch noch.

    Danke auch von mir!


  • Tinu works fine. I make my InstallationSticks for High Sierra and Mojave with Tinu. All works Fine and the Step by Step Help in the Screnn is easy for Everyone. Very nice App.

    Greetings Mocca55

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  • It would be great to be able to repartition the target disk from within TINU to be able to place multiple macOS installers on one disk. Currently I can create multiple partitions on disks with >16G and then use TINU to place installers on each partition. I would like to be able to do than all within TINU: detect if there is space for multiple installer partitions on the target disk, offer to repartition and then placing the chosen installer, or maybe even something like bulk-placing all of the available installers onto the disk.

    gez. Thogg Niatiz

  • That's a pretty good idea. I also want to have multiple macOS Installer on one single usb drive. It would be so much easier to switch between them.

    With that in mind it would also be great to make a simple update with tinu. I mean something like if I'm going to select a newer version of macOS installer - Tinu detects the partition of that installer and updates it.

  • Maybe i can add a feature to auto partition the usb drive into as many installer-ready partition as possible, but making some bulk or automated stuff would require heavy mods to the app, so i don't think i will do it soon, but i think that a viable soulution for the actual appcould be to have an auto partition feature to add as meny installer ready partition as possible or as you want, and then you can put the installers yourself in the partitions using tinu multiple times, but i was thinking about redesigning the drive select screen and the installer app select screen for tinu 3.0 and so maybe adding a multiselect feature for the installer app and an auto format based on how many installers you selected could be good, but this would require also partially reworking the installer creation code to work multple times and to have the format process as a separated and more advanced thing, so there will be a lot of work required, but i can do it.

    And also an installer requires a 7gb partition, so i can optimize it a bit for larger drives and maybe being able to sqeeze more installer partitions, consider also some space needed for indexing and the efi partition, so a good algorithm can get the best out of the space you have, the challenge is to implement this within an app since i have to gather all the needed info and then create an optimized autoformat shell script i can run in tinu, since it uses shell scripts (this is for reliability reasons, and you can also take a look at that in the source code)

    In the meanwhile i am working on version 2.1.1 and so if you have some issues you want to be fixed, please tell me now.