[English] I need some help with Mojave and Z77X-UD5H and Ozmosis. This is the best place, but I don't speak German. Can anyone help?

  • Hi Guys,

    First of all, thanks for helping me a few years back on this thread. People discount this forum because it's mainly German, but no one thinks that maybe you nice people will help if they just asked...

    Anyone, on to my issue; fairly sure its pretty common.

    I've installed the latest BIOS for my board from here, and then begun a High Sierra install from the Applications folder, as if it was an upgrade on a real Mac.

    Everything seems to go well, until the machine reboots. I then get 'An error occurred while verifying firmware'. (as described here)

    I can not proceed beyond this; the machine reboots and all is well (at least the new Bios works with Sierra! ;) )

    So, what am I missing here? I noticed that the Apple installer wipes my EFI partition. Luckily I made a copy, so can put it back the Oz files.

    Sorry if you've been over this before; I should really take some German lessons :)


    P.S - Should I just wait for Mojave...?

  • Hi there and welcome back... :)

    The main issue at hand seems to be the settings the defaults.plist from Ozmosis.
    There are a couple of major changes which have to be added in the file.
    If you have your EFI-based defaults.plist just add it via "advanced reply"->"File attachment" and I'll check out the necessary changes.

    I never heard of an Apple installer wiping the EFI-Partition... only if you had deliberately reformat your hard drive... ;)


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  • Well no need to take german lessons at all :D

    My best guess is that some SMBIOS settings and maybe also the APFS driver used in the Rom are outdated.

    Critical values are BiosVersion, BiosReleaseDate, FirmWare Features and FeaturesMask. Apple shipped Firmware Updates for most mac models with all major versions of HighSierra to ensure highest possible compatibility with APFS. The HighSierra Installer checks whether the Firmware is up to date or not and if not it tries to initiate a Firmware Update which of course will fail on non Apple Hardware. To keep a long Story short try this one: Z77XUD5H.16j.zip

    What I did:
    -> Update SMBIOS Information
    -> Replace APFS Driver

    Let me know if it works for you :D

  • @al6042 Here's a link to my backup Oz folder on Sync.com. You should be able to download it and take a look. Sorry, couldn't figure out the file attachment (german site labels!)


    @griven I'll give it a shot and let you know! i imagine I'll need both an updated plist and your BIOS update.

    Thanks again guys!

    EDIT: @griven I have tried your file, and the same thing happens.

    Also, it does seem to clear files from the EFI partition; I am not using a USB stick though, I'm using the installer from the app store. Will I have better luck using a USB installer?

    Currently I have nothing in EFI/Oz (no Defaults.plist or anything) and Sierra is running fine. Is this...normal?


  • Still not having any luck with this; tried to alter my plist to almost disasterous results. Any thoughts?

  • Should be quite normal since everything needed is in ROM (Defaults, APFS Driver Etc) Sierra should start fine with it...

    Regarding HighSierra it's best to start over with an USB drive (full Installer) rather than using the App inside of an running Sierra Version. APFS and OZ is quite problematic since OZ won't detect APFS Drives on it's own so even if the installation succeeded you may need to add a bootentry on your own. Since you only plan to upgrade to HighSierra there is a way around this APFS stuff which allows you to stay on HFS+ instead. All you need to do is to drop unsolid.kext (UnSolid.kext.zip) into /EFI/OZ/Darwin/Extensions/Common and you're good to go.

  • Okay - I'll give that a try.

    Would it be better to try and tackle APFS+ though? Because I'd like to move to Mojave once its been out in the wild for 6 months or so. One of the core apps I use is Logic Pro X and if I don't stay on top of the OS updates, I get left behind in Logic versions.

    So in an ideal world I'd convert to APFS+; but if its not possible yet then I shall wait.

  • Hi,

    I have a Z77-UD5H board, and have successfully uploaded the latest BIOS from this forum on to it.

    My Sierra installation works fine, and I can begin the Mojave install from USB but it always stops with the firmware invalid error message.

    How do I get around that?


  • I'm back! Basically having the same issue, but with Mojave. I've installed the latest Oz BIOS from the Z77X-UDH5 thread, but am still getting the firmware issue.

    Whats the best course of action? Thanks!

  • Just update your defaults.plist!

    Generate your own existing SMBios with with e.g CloverConfigurator or MacSerial and paste the Firmware Features (+Mask) and Rom Version in your existing defaults. Afterwards refresh the NVRam and you should be good to go ;)

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