#syscl_fixBrightnesskey_VoodooPS2 into method label BRT6 replace_content begin If (LEqual (Arg0, One))\n {\n Notify (LCD, 0x86)\n Notify (^^LPCB.PS2K, 0x0406)\n }\n If (And (Arg0, 0x02))\n {\n Notify (LCD, 0x87)\n Notify (^^LPCB.PS2K, 0x0405)\n }\n end; # _OSI(WIN7) Wird für die Brightness Tasten benötigt. Bildschirm an bei Aufklappen dann nur über Tastaturdruck #into method label OSID code_regex _OSI\s+\(WIN7\) replaceall_matched begin LOr(_OSI(WIN7),_OSI("Darwin")) end; # Windows 10 DSDT Patch for VoodooI2C # Allows I2C controllers and devices to be discovered by OS X. # Based off patches written by RehabMan into_all method code_regex If\s+\([\\]?_OSI\s+\(\"Windows\s2015\"\)\) replace_matched begin If(LOr(_OSI("Darwin"),_OSI("Windows 2015"))) end;